By means of this signed declaration, Mr. Francisco Garcia, representing WOOD MANNERS S.L., certifies compliance with sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of the FSC-STD-40-004 V3.1 Standard, detailed below:
7.2 The organization shall not use child labor.
7.2.1 The organization shall not employ workers under the age of 15 or below the minimum age as stipulated by national or local laws or regulations, whichever is higher, except as specified in section 7.2.2.
7.2.2 In countries where national laws or regulations allow the employment of individuals aged between 13 and 15 years for light work, such employment shall not interfere with schooling, nor harm their health or development. In particular, when children are subject to compulsory education laws, any work they perform must be outside school hours and during normal daytime working hours.
7.2.3 No person under the age of 15 is employed in hazardous or heavy work, except when undertaken as part of training within approved national laws or regulations.
7.2.4 The organization shall prohibit the worst forms of child labor.
7.3 The organization shall eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
7.3.1 Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent, without the threat of punishment.
7.3.2 There is no evidence of practices indicating forced or compulsory labor, including but not limited to:
Physical or sexual violence;
Bonded labor;
Withholding of wages, including payments for employment fees or deposits required to start work;
Restriction of mobility or movement;
Retention of passports or identity documents;
Threats of denunciation to authorities.
7.4 The organization shall ensure that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation.
7.4.1 Employment and occupation practices are non-discriminatory.
7.5 The organization shall respect freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.
7.5.1 Workers are free to form or join worker organizations of their choice.
7.5.2 The organization respects the full freedom of worker organizations to draft their own constitutions and rules.
7.5.3 The organization respects workers' rights to engage in lawful activities related to forming, joining, or supporting worker organizations, or to abstain from doing so, without discrimination or punishment for exercising these rights.
7.5.4 The organization negotiates in good faith with legally established worker organizations and/or their elected representatives, making every effort to reach agreements on collective bargaining.
7.5.5 Agreements resulting from collective bargaining are implemented wherever they exist.
The organization complies with all social requirements of the new FSC standard as mandated by the applicable regulations, including:
Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, approving the consolidated text of the Workers’ Statute Act. Article 6.
Consolidated text of Royal Decree-Law 17/1977, of March 4, on labor relations.
Royal Decree 1561/1995, of September 21, on special working hours.
Royal Decree 2001/1983, of July 28, regulating working hours, special working hours, and rest periods.
Royal Decree-Law 3/2004, of June 25, for the rationalization of the regulation of the minimum interprofessional wage and its increase.
Royal Decree 231/2020, of February 4, setting the minimum interprofessional wage for 2020.
Royal Decree 902/2020, of October 13, on equal pay between women and men.
Organic Law 11/1985, of August 2, on Trade Union Freedom.
Royal Decree 1844/1994, of September 9, approving the Regulation on elections to workers' representation bodies in companies.
Royal Decree 1659/1998, of July 24, implementing Article 8, section 5, of the Workers’ Statute Act concerning informing workers about the essential elements of the employment contract.